Ed Londergan

Editorial Services
It is important to choose the right editor for your specific needs. You put a great deal of time and effort into your work, and you need someone who understands what is involved in making your work even better. As an author, I empathize with you and will help you meet your goals and the readers needs. Whether you have marketing materials, newsletters, magazine articles, brochures, pamphlets, website content, a book manuscript, or anything else with the written word, I can help you.
I offer proofreading, copyediting, and developmental editing.
As your Proofreader, I will work to make your manuscript error free. This includes: Spelling, punctuation, numbering and listing, word breaks, spacing, and layout, and formatting and design issues such as fonts.
As your Copy Editor, I will examine every letter and punctuation mark on every page to ensure correctness and consistency. This includes:
Correcting errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Noting stylistic problems such as inconsistent tone, cliches, jargon, dead ends, repetition, overuse of typographical devices such as commas and parentheses, wordiness, and sentences and paragraphs that are too long or too short.
Ensuring consistency with a specific style.
As your Developmental Editor, I will work with you through all phases of writing and revision to make sure your manuscript reaches its true potential. I will help you make it the very best it can be. This includes:
Coaching you through the process of writing a book.
Addressing content, structure, and organization.
Identifying gaps, deleting duplicate or contradictory content.
Focusing on pacing and voice.
Rewriting and restructuring text.
Please contact me at ed.londergan@gmail.com if you have any questions, to discuss your needs or to get a quote for your work. I look forward to helping you.